Allow Pets in the Workplace: 9 Policy Benefits For Businesses
Pets in the workplace? Yes, please! There are countless benefits to allowing pets into your office environment. Pets can reduce stress, increase productivity and strengthen relationships with coworkers. They can also help keep employees healthy by encouraging walking and socialization. In this article, we will discuss nine reasons why you should consider implementing a “pets allowed” policy in your business today!
1. Pets are good for your mental health
Pets have been shown to help people with mental health issues. Having a pet can also decrease feelings of depression and loneliness and distract from stressful events in your life. This is because pets provide physical attention that helps someone regulate their emotions more easily.
A study by Virginia Commonwealth University found that office workers who bring their dogs to work have lower levels of stress hormones throughout the day than those that don’t bring pets to work. Those with higher stress hormone levels are more likely to take longer breaks or leave earlier, which can be disruptive for everyone else. Pets help keep people at the workplace during stressful times, so it’s easier for coworkers to stay focused on their tasks.
2. Pets make people happy
Pets make people happier, and happy workers are more productive. A study by Kansas State University found that pets in the workplace can help improve morale among employees. Pets also create an enjoyable work environment for everyone as they serve to break up boredom which is common when working with computers all day.
Company culture is also positively affected when employees feel happy. A study by the University of North Texas found that “employees who scored highest on a questionnaire measuring health and happiness were more likely to say they felt energized, had positive interactions with others at work, took pride in their job performance and made long-term career plans.”
When people are happy, it’s easier for them to focus. This is especially true during stressful times such as taking exams or working overtime. Pets provide comic relief, which helps workers stay focused when things get tough.
Dogs have been shown to be crucial resources for those suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). A 2012 article published in The Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience states: “Dogs can serve many purposes – social support system, stimulus control, emotional outlet, and much more – that would be beneficial to someone with PTSD.”
3. Pets reduce stress
Allowing pets in the workplace can help reduce stress. It’s well documented that animals can lower blood pressure and reduce stress responses. They have even been shown to make people more empathetic, which is a great asset in the workplace.
Pets are also known for their ability to promote healthy lifestyles by encouraging exercise as well as being a source of companionship – providing bonding time with humans that can help relax after long days at work.
A recent study published in the Society for Human Resource Management Journal found that companies who allow pets on site saw increased productivity rates by 43%. This is likely due to increased morale or because employees were spending less time worrying about picking up their dogs from daycare or feeding them while they’re at work.
4. Pets improve teamwork
Pets might also be beneficial for the workplace because they improve teamwork. They can help employees who work remotely feel more connected to their coworkers, which is especially important in a global economy where people work across time zones and continents.
Pets also have a calming effect on employees, which can be helpful in the workplace because stressful situations are inevitable. Employees who own pets might feel less stressed and more loyal to their employers than workers without pets. Pets could help increase retention rates as well as boost employee morale.
5. Pets increase productivity
Another reason pets should be allowed in the workplace is that they can help increase productivity. Studies show that employees who have access to dogs at work are more physically active than people without a dog around. Dogs might also reduce stress levels, leading to less absenteeism and fewer sick days for workers.
Pets might increase creativity because they give their owners something of themselves to focus on while working. Pets don’t need constant caregiving, but when given attention, they offer loyalty and affectionate companionship – qualities that make any day better! Some employees even find relief through animal-assisted therapy as an outlet from chronic mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.
All of this can lead to significant increases in productivity and creative problem-solving.
6. Pets help with company culture and morale
Pets not only provide the benefits listed above, but pets can also serve as a great source of morale and culture. Dogs, in particular, are known for their ability to play well with other dogs or people outside of their family unit.
In one study from 2012, 96% of pet owners said that they consider themselves more extroverted since getting a dog! Pets can also help create team-building moments and an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.
7. Pets reduce turnover
Pet-friendly companies are not only happier, but they also have less turnover.
According to a study by the American Kennel Club, 82% of pet owners said that their pets make them feel more loyal to their employer. This statistic can be partially attributed to the fact that dogs provide an outlet for chronic mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. All of this can lead to significant increases in productivity and creative problem-solving.
Pets reduce physical ailments among employees, which lowers healthcare costs while providing benefits from increased engagement with coworkers at lunchtime and after work hours!
Pets don’t just benefit humans; they’re great for business too! But there’s one last point we want you to take away before you go: unlike other office perks, pets are not a luxury companies can choose to forego.
8. Pets help reduce sick days and absenteeism
For businesses that allow pets at work, you will find employees taking fewer sick days during the year. Pets help reduce chronic mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. All of this can lead to significant increases in productivity and creative problem-solving.
Pets also provide a much-needed break from the daily routine by aiding employees with their physical ailments, which reduces healthcare costs while providing benefits from increased engagement with coworkers at lunchtime and after work hours!
Pet owners may be less likely to take time off because of pet care responsibilities or worry about who will feed their pet while they’re away from home for extended periods of time. This leads to a higher number of days worked per year, reducing absenteeism and turnover rates on top of increasing productivity levels.
9. Pets friendly workplaces attract top talent
In addition, company perks such as pet-friendly workplaces tend to attract better talent and higher-performing employees. These types of benefits make it easier for companies to find top candidates when they need them most – at times where competition for talent is high.
To sum up: Pets provide many benefits like increased engagement with coworkers at lunchtime and after work hours while reducing physical ailments among employees, which reduces healthcare costs. They’re also great for businesses as they reduce absenteeism rates by being warm & comforting companions who make people feel safe. Lastly, unlike other office perks such as free snacks or catered lunches, pets cannot be sacrificed if money is tight due to high employee morale resulting from pet ownership which can increase company revenue.
If you think your pet is ill, call a vet immediately. All health-related questions should be referred to your veterinarian. They can examine your pet, understand its health history, and make well informed recommendations for your pet. Staff